Google tag: Kamus ICD-9 CM 163178 Kamus ICD-9 CM, Kumpulan Kodefikasi Terkini /* */

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Akses : 454,145 | ICD-10 : 570 | Mobile Visit - PC Visit

Daftar ICD-9

Kode / Kasus Prosedur / Coding Clarification Aksi Qr
44.20 Decompression of optic nerve (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
44.21 Decompression of facial nerve with or without graft (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
21.290 Peak nasal inspiratory flowmetry (PNIF) (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
21.291 Smell test (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
21.292 Blue light fluorescein test (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
22.200 Uncinectomy sinistra (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
22.201 Uncinectomy dextra (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
22.410 Frontal sinusotomy sinistra (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
