Alphabetical index to diseases and nature of injury


Gain in weight — see also Weight, gain (abnormal) (excessive) R63.5

- pregnancy O26.0

Gaisbck's disease D75.1


- abnormality R26.8

- ataxic R26.0

- disturbance R26.8

- paralytic R26.1

- spastic R26.1

- staggering R26.0

Galactocele (breast) N64.8

- puerperal, postpartum O92.7

Galactophoritis N61

- gestational, puerperal, postpartum O91.2

Galactorrhea O92.6

- not associated with childbirth N64.3

Galactosemia E74.2

Galactosuria E74.2

Galacturia R82.0

- schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) B65.0

Galen's vein — see condition

Gall duct — see condition

Gallbladder — see condition

Gallop rhythm R00.8

Gallstone (colic) (cystic duct) (gallbladder) (impacted) (multiple) K80.2

- with cholecystitis (chronic) K80.1

- - acute K80.0

- bile duct (common) (hepatic) K80.5

- causing intestinal obstruction K56.3

- specified NEC K80.8

Gambling Z72.6

- pathological (compulsive) F63.0


- associated with lymphoplasmacytic dyscrasia D47.2

- monoclonal (of undetermined significance) D47.2

- polyclonal D89.0

Gamna's disease D73.1

Gandy-Nanta disease D73.1


- activity, without manifest psychiatric disorder Z03.2

- membership with dissocial behavior F91.2

Gangliocytoma D36.1

Ganglioglioma — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior

Ganglion (compound) (diffuse) (joint) (tendon (sheath)) M67.4

- of yaws (early) (late) A66.6

- tuberculous A18.0† M68.0*

Ganglioneuroblastoma — see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant

Ganglioneuroma D36.1

- malignant — see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant

Ganglioneuromatosis D36.1


- fifth nerve — see also Neuralgia, trigeminal G50.0

- gasserian (postherpetic) (postzoster) B02.3† H58.8*

- geniculate G51.1

- - newborn (birth injury) P11.3

- - postherpetic, postzoster B02.2† G53.0*

- herpes zoster B02.2† G53.0*

- postherpetic geniculate B02.2† G53.0*

Gangliosidosis E75.1

- GM1 E75.1

- GM2 (adult) (infantile) (juvenile) E75.0

- GM3 E75.1

Gangosa A66.5† J99.8*

Gangrene, gangrenous — see also Necrosis (dry) (moist) (skin) (ulcer) R02

- with diabetes code to E10-E14 with fourth character .5 (mellitus)

- abdomen (wall) R02

- alveolar K10.3

- appendix K35.8

- - with

- - - peritoneal abscess K35.3

- - - peritonitis NEC K35.3

- - - - generalized (with perforation or rupture) K35.2

- - - - localized (with perforation or rupture) K35.3

- arteriosclerotic (general) (senile) I70.2

- auricle R02

- Bacillus welchii A48.0

- bladder (infectious) N30.8

- bowel, cecum or colon — see Gangrene, intestine

- Clostridium perfringens or welchii A48.0

- connective tissue R02

- cornea H18.8

- corpora cavernosa N48.2

- - noninfective N48.8

- cutaneous, spreading R02

- decubital — see Ulcer, decubitus

- diabetic code to E10-E14 with fourth character .5 (any site)

- dropsical R02

- epidemic T62.2

- epididymis — see also Epididymitis (infectional) N45.9

- Fournier's N49.8

- - female N76.8

- fusospirochetal A69.0

- gallbladder — see also Cholecystitis, acute K81.0

- gas (bacillus) A48.0

- hernia — see Hernia, by site, with gangrene

- intestine, intestinal (hemorrhagic) (massive) K55.0

- - with

- - - mesenteric embolism K55.0

- - - obstruction — see also Obstruction, intestine K56.6

- limb (lower) (upper) R02

- lung J85.0

- Meleney's (synergistic) L98.4

- mesentery K55.0

- - with intestinal obstruction — see also Obstruction, intestine K56.6

- mouth A69.0

- ovary — see also Salpingo-oophoritis N70.9

- pancreas K85.-

- penis N48.2

- - noninfective N48.8

- perineum R02

- pharynx — see also Pharyngitis J02.9

- - Vincent's A69.1

- presenile I73.1

- pulmonary J85.0

- pulpal (dental) K04.1

- Raynaud's I73.0

- retropharyngeal J39.2

- scrotum N49.2

- - noninfective N50.8

- senile (atherosclerotic) I70.2

- spermatic cord N49.1

- - noninfective N50.8

- spine R02

- spreading cutaneous R02

- stomatitis A69.0

- symmetrical I73.0

- testis — see also Orchitis (infectional) N45.9

- - noninfective N50.8

- throat — see also Pharyngitis J02.9

- - Vincent's A69.1

- thyroid (gland) E07.8

- tuberculous NEC — see also Tuberculosis A16.9

- tunica vaginalis N49.1

- - noninfective N50.8

- umbilicus R02

- uterus — see also Endometritis N71.9

- vas deferens N49.1

- - noninfective N50.8

- vulva N76.8

Gannister disease J62.8

Ganser's syndrome (hysterical) F44.8

Gardner-Diamond syndrome D69.2

Gargoylism E76.0

Garr's disease, osteitis, osteomyelitis (sclerosing) M86.8

Garrod's pad, knuckle M72.1

Gartner's duct

- cyst Q50.5

- persistent Q50.6


- asphyxia, asphyxiation, inhalation, poisoning, suffocation NEC T59.9

- - specified gas — see Table of drugs and chemicals

- gangrene A48.0

- on stomach R14

- pain R14

Gastralgia R10.1

- psychogenic F45.4

Gastrectasis K31.8

- psychogenic F45.3

Gastric — see condition


- malignant

- - pancreas C25.4

- - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, malignant

- - unspecified site C25.4

- specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior

- unspecified site D37.7

Gastritis (simple) K29.7

- acute (erosive) K29.1

- - hemorrhagic K29.0

- alcoholic K29.2

- allergic K29.6

- atrophic (chronic) K29.4

- bile, biliary (reflux) K29.6

- chronic (antral) (fundal) K29.5

- - atrophic K29.4

- - superficial K29.3

- dietary counseling and surveillance Z71.3

- due to nutritional deficiency E63.9† K93.8*

- eosinophilic K52.8

- giant hypertrophic K29.6

- granulomatous K29.6

- hypertrophic (mucosa) K29.6

- nervous F54

- specified NEC K29.6

- superficial chronic K29.3

- tuberculous A18.8† K93.8*

- viral NEC A08.4

Gastrocarcinoma — see Neoplasm, malignant, stomach

Gastrocolic — see condition

Gastrodisciasis, gastrodiscoidiasis B66.8

Gastroduodenitis K29.9

- virus, viral A08.4

- - specified type NEC A08.3

Gastrodynia R10.1

Gastroenteritis — see also Enteritis (acute) A09.9

- allergic K52.2

- chronic (noninfectious) K52.9

- dietetic K52.2

- drug-induced K52.1

- due to

- - Cryptosporidium A07.2

- - drugs K52.1

- - food poisoning — see also Intoxication, foodborne A05.9

- - radiation K52.0

- eosinophilic K52.8

- epidemic A09.0

- food hypersensitivity K52.2

- infectious — see also Enteritis, infectious A09.0

- nonbacterial, of infancy A08.5

- noninfectious K52.9

- - specified NEC K52.8

- rotaviral A08.0

- salmonella A02.0

- septic A09.0

- toxic K52.1

- viral A08.4

- - acute infectious A08.3

- - epidemic A08.1

- - - type Norwalk A08.1

- - infantile (acute) A08.3

- - Norwalk agent A08.1

- - rotaviral A08.0

- - severe, of infants A08.3

- - specified type NEC A08.3

Gastroenteropathy — see also Gastroenteritis A09.9

- acute, due to Norwalk agent A08.1

- infectious A09.0

- noninfectious K52.9

Gastroenteroptosis K63.4

Gastrointestinal — see condition

Gastrojejunal — see condition

Gastrojejunitis, noninfectious — see also Enteritis K52.9

Gastrojejunocolic — see condition

Gastroliths K31.8

Gastromalacia K31.8

Gastroptosis K31.8

Gastrorrhagia K92.2

- psychogenic F45.3

Gastroschisis (congenital) Q79.3

Gastrospasm (neurogenic) (reflex) K31.8

- neurotic F45.3

- psychogenic F45.3

Gastrostaxis K92.2

Gastrostenosis K31.8


- attention to Z43.1

- status Z93.1

Gastrosuccorrhea (continuous) (intermittent) K31.8

- neurotic F45.3

- psychogenic F45.3

Gaucher's disease or splenomegaly (adult) (infantile) E75.2

Gee disease (-Herter) (-Thaysen) K90.0

Glineau's syndrome G47.4

Gemination, tooth, teeth K00.2


- specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant

- unspecified site C71.9

General, generalized — see condition

Genital — see condition

Genito-anorectal syndrome A55

Genitourinary system — see condition


- extrorsum (acquired) M21.1

- - congenital Q68.2

- - late effect of rickets E64.3

- rachitic (old) E64.3

- recurvatum (acquired) M21.8

- - congenital Q68.2

- - late effect of rickets E64.3

- valgum (acquired) M21.0

- - congenital Q74.1

- - late effect of rickets E64.3

- varum (acquired) M21.1

- - congenital Q74.1

- - late effect of rickets E64.3

Geographic tongue K14.1

Geotrichosis B48.3

Gephyrophobia F40.2

Gerhardt's syndrome J38.0

German measles — see also Rubella B06.9

Germinoblastoma (diffuse) C85.9

- follicular C82.9

Germinoma — see Neoplasm, malignant

Gerontoxon H18.4

Gerstmann's syndrome (developmental) F81.2

Gestation — see also Pregnancy (period)

- ectopic — see Pregnancy, by site

- multiple O30.9

- - specified NEC O30.8

Ghon tubercle, primary infection A16.7

- with bacteriological and histological confirmation A15.7

Ghost vessels (cornea) H16.4

Ghoul hand A66.3

Giannotti-Crosti disease L44.4


- cell

- - epulis K06.8

- - peripheral granuloma K06.8

- esophagus, congenital Q39.5

- kidney, congenital Q63.3

- urticaria T78.3

- - hereditary D84.1

Giardiasis A07.1

Gibert's disease or pityriasis L42

Giddiness R42

- hysterical F44.8

- psychogenic F45.8

Gierke's disease E74.0

Gigantism (pituitary) E22.0

- constitutional E34.4

Gilbert's disease or syndrome E80.4

Gilchrist's disease B40.9

Gilford-Hutchinson disease E34.8

Gilles de la Tourette's disease or syndrome F95.2

Gingivitis K05.1

- acute K05.0

- - necrotizing A69.1

- chronic (desquamative) (hyperplastic) (simple marginal) (ulcerative) K05.1

- necrotizing ulcerative (acute) A69.1

- pellagrous E52† K93.8*

- - acute necrotizing A69.1

- Vincent's A69.1

Gingivoglossitis K14.0

Gingivosis K05.1

Gingivostomatitis K05.1

- herpesviral B00.2

- necrotizing ulcerative (acute) A69.1

Gland, glandular — see condition

Glanders A24.0

Glanzmann's disease or thrombasthenia D69.1

Glass-blower's disease (cataract) H26.8

Glaucoma H40.9

- with pseudoexfoliation of lens H40.1

- absolute H44.5

- acute H40.2

- - narrow angle H40.2

- - secondary NEC H40.5

- angle-closure (acute) (chronic) (intermittent) (primary) (residual state) H40.2

- borderline H40.0

- capsular (with pseudoexfoliation of lens) H40.1

- chronic H40.1

- - angle-closure H40.2

- - noncongestive H40.1

- - open-angle H40.1

- - simple H40.1

- closed angle H40.2

- congenital Q15.0

- corticosteroid-induced H40.6

- hypersecretion H40.8

- in (due to)

- - amyloidosis E85.-† H42.0*

- - aniridia Q13.1† H42.8*

- - concussion of globe H40.3

- - dislocation of lens H40.5

- - disorder of lens NEC H40.5

- - drugs H40.6

- - endocrine disease NEC E34.9† H42.0*

- - eye

- - - inflammation H40.4

- - - trauma H40.3

- - hypermature cataract H40.5

- - iridocyclitis H40.4

- - Lowe's syndrome E72.0† H42.0*

- - metabolic disease NEC E88.9† H42.0*

- - ocular disorders NEC H40.5

- - onchocerciasis B73† H42.8*

- - retinal vein occlusion H40.5

- - Rieger's anomaly Q13.8† H42.8*

- - rubeosis of iris H40.5

- - tumor of globe H40.5

- infantile Q15.0

- low-tension H40.1

- malignant H40.2

- narrow angle H40.2

- newborn Q15.0

- noncongestive (chronic) H40.1

- nonobstructive H40.1

- obstructive H40.2

- - due to lens changes H40.5

- open-angle (primary) (residual stage) H40.1

- phacolytic H40.5

- pigmentary H40.1

- postinfectious H40.4

- secondary NEC — see also Glaucoma, in H40.5

- simple (chronic) H40.1

- simplex H40.1

- specified NEC H40.8

- suspect H40.0

- syphilitic A52.7† H42.8*

- traumatic H40.3

- - newborn (birth injury) P15.3

- tuberculous A18.5† H42.8*

Glaucomatous flecks (subcapsular) H26.2

Gleet (gonococcal) A54.0

Glnard's disease K63.4

Glioblastoma (multiforme)

- with sarcomatous component

- - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant

- - unspecified site C71.9

- giant cell

- - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant

- - unspecified site C71.9

- specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant

- unspecified site C71.9

Glioma (malignant)

- astrocytic

- - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant

- - unspecified site C71.9

- mixed

- - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant

- - unspecified site C71.9

- nose Q30.8

- specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, malignant

- subependymal D43.2

- - specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior

- - unspecified site D43.2

- unspecified site C71.9

Gliomatosis cerebri C71.0

Glioneuroma — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior


- specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant

- unspecified site C71.9

Gliosis (cerebral) G93.8

- spinal G95.8

Globinuria R82.3

Globus (hystericus) F45.8

Glomangioma D18.0

Glomangiomyoma D18.0

Glomangiosarcoma — see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant


- disease in syphilis A52.7† N08.0*

- nephritis — see also Glomerulonephritis N05.-

Glomerulitis — see also Glomerulonephritis N05.-

Glomerulonephritis — see also Nephritis N05.-

Note: Where a term is indexed only at the three-character level, e.g. N01.-, reference should be made to the list of fourth-character subdivisions in Volume 1 at N00-N08.

- with edema — see also Nephrosis N04.-

- acute N00.-

- chronic N03.-

- crescentic NEC code to N00-N07 with fourth character .7 (diffuse)

- dense deposit code to N00-N07 with fourth character .6

- diffuse

- - crescentic code to N00-N07 with fourth character .7

- - endocapillary proliferative code to N00-N07 with fourth character .4

- - membranous code to N00-N07 with fourth character .2

- - mesangial proliferative code to N00-N07 with fourth character .3

- - mesangiocapillary code to N00-N07 with fourth character .5

- - sclerosing — see also Failure, renal, chronic N18.9

- endocapillary proliferative NEC code to N00-N07 with fourth character .4 (diffuse)

- extracapillary NEC code to N00-N07 with fourth character .7

- focal code to N00-N07 with fourth character .1 (and segmental)

- hypocomplementemic — see Glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative

- IgA — see Nephropathy, IgA

- immune complex NEC (circulating) N05.8

- in (due to)

- - amyloidosis E85.-† N08.4*

- - bilharziasis B65.-† N08.0*

- - cryglobulinemia D89.1† N08.2*

- - defibrination syndrome D65† N08.2*

- - diabetes mellitus — see also E10-E14 with fourth character .2 E14.2† N08.3*

- - disseminated intravascular coagulation D65† N08.2*

- - Fabry(-Anderson) disease E75.2† N08.4*

- - Goodpasture's syndrome M31.0† N08.5*

- - hemolytic-uremic syndrome D59.3† N08.2*

- - Henoch(-Schnlein) purpura D69.0† N08.2*

- - lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency E78.6† N08.4*

- - microscopic polyangiitis M31.7† N08.5*

- - multiple myeloma C90.0† N08.1*

- - Plasmodium malariae B52.0† N08.0*

- - schistosomiasis B65.-† N08.0*

- - sepsis A41.-† N08.0*

- - - streptococcal A40.-† N08.0*

- - sickle-cell disorders D57.-† N08.2*

- - strongyloidiasis B78.9† N08.0*

- - subacute bacterial endocarditis I33.0† N08.8*

- - systemic lupus erythematosus M32.1† N08.5*

- - thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura M31.1† N08.5*

- - Waldenstrm macroglobulinemia C88.0† N08.1*

- - Wegener's granulomatosis M31.3† N08.5*

- lobular, lobulonodular — see Glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative

- membranoproliferative code to N00-N07 with fourth character .5 (diffuse) (type 1) (type 3)

- - dense deposit NEC code to N00-N07 with fourth character .6 (type 2)

- membranous NEC code to N00-N07 with fourth character .2 (diffuse)

- mesangial

- - IgA/IgG — see Nephropathy, IgA

- - proliferative NEC code to N00-N07 with fourth character .3 (diffuse)

- mesangiocapillary NEC code to N00-N07 with fourth character .5 (diffuse)

- necrotic, necrotizing NEC code to N00-N07 with fourth character .8

- nodular — see Glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative

- poststreptococcal NEC N05.9

- - acute N00.-

- - chronic N03.-

- - rapidly progressive N01.-

- proliferative NEC code to N00-N07 with fourth character .8

- - diffuse (lupus) M32.1† N08.5*

- rapidly progressive N01.-

- sclerosing, diffuse — see also Failure, kidney, chronic N18.9

- specified pathology NEC code to N00-N07 with fourth character .8

- subacute — see Nephritis, rapidly progressive

Glomerulopathy — see also Glomerulonephritis N05.-

Glomerulosclerosis — see also Sclerosis, renal N26

- intracapillary E14.2† N08.3*

Glossalgia K14.6

Glossitis K14.0

- areata exfoliativa K14.1

- atrophic K14.4

- benign migratory K14.1

- chronic superficial K14.0

- cortical superficial, sclerotic K14.0

- Hunter's D51.0

- interstitial, sclerous K14.0

- median rhomboid K14.2

- Moeller's K14.0

- pellagrous E52† K93.8*

- superficial, chronic K14.0

Glossodynia K14.6

- exfoliativa K14.0

Glossopathy K14.9

Glossophytia K14.3

Glossoplegia K14.8

Glossopyrosis K14.6

Glossy skin L90.8

Glottis — see condition

Glottitis — see also Laryngitis J04.0


- malignant

- - pancreas C25.4

- - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, malignant

- - unspecified site C25.4

- pancreas

- - benign D13.7

- - uncertain or unknown behavior D37.7

- - malignant C25.4

- specified site NEC

- - benign — see Neoplasm, benign

- - uncertain or unknown behavior — see Neoplasm, uncertain or unknown behavior

- - malignant — see Neoplasm, malignant

- unspecified site

- - benign D13.7

- - uncertain or unknown behavior D37.7

- - malignant C25.4

Glucoglycinuria E72.5

Glucose-galactose malabsorption E74.3


- ear H65.3

- sniffing (airplane) F18.1

- - dependence F18.2

Glycinemia E72.5

Glycinuria (renal) E72.0


- infiltration — see also Disease, glycogen storage E74.0

- storage disease — see also Disease, glycogen storage E74.0

Glycogenosis — see also Disease, glycogen storage (diffuse) (generalized) (with hepatic cirrhosis) E74.0

- cardiac E74.0† I43.1*

Glycopenia E16.2

Glycosuria R81

- renal E74.8

Gnathostoma spinigerum (infection) (infestation), gnathostomiasis (wandering swelling) B83.1

Goiter (plunging) (substernal) E04.9

- with

- - hyperthyroidism — see also Goiter, toxic (recurrent) E05.0

- - - adenomatous E05.2

- - - nodular E05.2

- - thyrotoxicosis — see also Goiter, toxic E05.0

- - - adenomatous E05.2

- - - nodular E05.2

- adenomatous — see also Goiter, nodular E04.9

- congenital (nontoxic) E03.0

- - diffuse E03.0

- - parenchymatous E03.0

- - transitory, with normal functioning P72.0

- cystic E04.2

- - due to iodine-deficiency E01.1

- due to

- - enzyme defect in synthesis of thyroid hormone E07.1

- - iodine-deficiency (endemic) E01.2

- dyshormogenetic (familial) E07.1

- endemic (iodine-deficiency) E01.2

- - diffuse E01.0

- - multinodular E01.1

- exophthalmic E05.0

- iodine-deficiency (endemic) E01.2

- - diffuse E01.0

- - multinodular E01.1

- - nodular E01.1

- lymphadenoid E06.3

- multinodular (cystic) (nontoxic) E04.2

- - toxic or with hyperthyroidism E05.2

- neonatal NEC P72.0

- nodular (nontoxic) (due to) E04.9

- - with

- - - hyperthyroidism E05.2

- - - thyrotoxicosis E05.2

- - endemic E01.1

- - iodine-deficiency E01.1

- - sporadic E04.9

- - toxic E05.2

- nontoxic E04.9

- - diffuse (colloid) E04.0

- - multinodular E04.2

- - simple E04.0

- - specified NEC E04.8

- - uninodular E04.1

- simple E04.0

- toxic E05.0

- - adenomatous E05.2

- - multinodular E05.2

- - nodular E05.2

- - uninodular E05.1

- - tumor, malignant C73

- uninodular (nontoxic) E04.1

- - toxic or with hyperthyroidism E05.1

Goiter-deafness syndrome E07.1

Goldberg-Maxwell syndrome E34.5

Goldblatt's hypertension or kidney I70.1

Goldenhar(-Gorlin) syndrome Q87.0

Goldflam-Erb disease or syndrome G70.0

Goldscheider's disease Q81.8

Goldstein's disease I78.0

Golfer's elbow M77.0


- specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior

- unspecified site

- - female D39.1

- - male D40.1

Gonarthrosis M17.9

- post-traumatic (unilateral) M17.3

- - bilateral M17.2

- primary (unilateral) M17.1

- - bilateral M17.0

- secondary NEC (unilateral) M17.5

- - bilateral M17.4

Gonecystitis — see also Vesiculitis N49.0

Gongylonemiasis B83.8

Goniosynechiae H21.5

Gonococcemia A54.8

Gonococcus, gonococcal — see also condition (disease) (infection) A54.9

- anus A54.6

- bursa, bursitis A54.4† M73.0*

- complicating pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium O98.2

- - affecting fetus or newborn P00.2

- conjunctiva, conjunctivitis (neonatorum) A54.3† H13.1*

- endocardium A54.8† I39.8*

- eye, newborn A54.3† H13.1*

- fallopian tubes (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3*

- genitourinary (organ) (system) (tract) (acute)

- - lower A54.0

- - - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1

- - upper — see also condition A54.2

- heart A54.8† I52.0*

- iridocyclitis A54.3† H22.0*

- joint A54.4† M01.3*

- lymphatic (gland) (node) A54.8

- meninges, meningitis A54.8† G01*

- pelviperitonitis A54.2† N74.3*

- pelvis (acute) (chronic) A54.2

- pharynx A54.5

- pyosalpinx (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3*

- rectum A54.6

- skin A54.8† L99.8*

- specified site NEC A54.8

- tendon sheath A54.4† M68.0*

- urethra (acute) (chronic) A54.0

- - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1

- vulva (acute) (chronic) A54.0


- specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior

- unspecified site

- - female D39.1

- - male D40.1

Gonorrhea (acute) (chronic) A54.9

- Bartholin's gland (acute) (chronic) (purulent) A54.0

- - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1

- bladder A54.0

- cervix A54.0

- complicating pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium O98.2

- - affecting fetus or newborn P00.2

- conjunctiva, conjunctivitis (neonatorum) A54.3† H13.1*

- Cowper's gland (with abscess) A54.1

- fallopian tube (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3*

- kidney (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N29.1*

- lower genitourinary tract A54.0

- - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1

- ovary (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N74.3*

- pelvis (acute) (chronic) A54.2

- - female pelvic inflammatory disease A54.2† N74.3*

- penis A54.0

- prostate (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.0*

- seminal vesicle (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.8*

- specified site not listed — see also Gonococcus A54.8

- spermatic cord (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.8*

- urethra A54.0

- - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1

- vagina A54.0

- vas deferens (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.8*

- vulva A54.0

Goodall's disease A08.1

Goodpasture's syndrome M31.0

Gopalan's syndrome E53.9

Gorlin-Chaudry-Moss syndrome Q87.0

Gottron's papules L94.4

Gougerot-Carteaud disease or syndrome L83

Goundou A66.6

Gout, gouty M10.9

- drug-induced M10.2

- idiopathic M10.0

- in renal impairment (due to) M10.3

- lead-induced M10.1

- primary M10.0

- saturnine M10.1

- secondary NEC M10.4

- syphilitic A52.7† M14.8*

- tophi NEC M10.0

- - ear M10.0† H62.8*

- - heart M10.0† I43.8*

Gower's muscular dystrophy G71.0

Gradenigo's syndrome H66.0

Graefe's disease H49.4

Graft-versus-host (GVH) disease (bone marrow) T86.0

Grainhandler's disease or lung J67.8

Grand mal

- epilepsy (idiopathic) G40.6

- - on awakening G40.3

- seizure (with or without petit mal) G40.6

- - on awakening G40.3

- status (epilepticus) G41.0

Granite worker's lung J62.8

Granular — see condition

Granulation tissue (abnormal) (excessive) L92.9

- postmastoidectomy cavity H95.1

Granulocytopenia (malignant) (primary) D70

Granuloma L92.9

- abdomen K66.8

- actinic L57.5

- annulare (perforating) L92.0

- apical K04.5

- aural H60.4

- beryllium (skin) L92.3

- bone M86.8

- - eosinophilic C96.6

- - from residual foreign body M86.8

- brain (any site) G06.0

- - in schistosomiasis B65.-† G07*

- canaliculus lacrimalis H04.6

- candidal (cutaneous) B37.2

- cerebral (any site) G06.0

- coccidioidal (primary) (progressive) B38.7

- - lung B38.1† J99.8*

- - meninges B38.4† G02.1*

- colon K63.8

- conjunctiva H10.4

- dental K04.5

- ear, middle H71

- eosinophilic C96.6

- - bone C96.6

- - lung C96.6

- - oral mucosa K13.4

- - skin L92.2

- eyelid H01.8

- facial(e) L92.2

- foreign body NEC (in soft tissue) M60.2

- - in operation wound T81.5

- - skin L92.3

- gangraenescens M31.2

- genito-inguinale A58

- giant cell (central) (jaw) (reparative) K10.1

- - gingiva (peripheral) K06.8

- gland (lymph) I88.8

- hepatic NEC K75.3

- - in (due to)

- - - berylliosis J63.2† K77.8*

- - - sarcoidosis D86.8† K77.8*

- Hodgkin C81.9

- ileum K63.8

- infectious NEC B99

- inguinale (Donovan) (venereal) A58

- intestine NEC K63.8

- intracranial (any site) G06.0

- intraspinal (any part) G06.1

- iridocyclitis H20.1

- jaw (bone) (central) K10.1

- - reparative giant cell K10.1

- kidney — see also Infection, kidney N15.8

- lacrimal sac (nonspecific) H04.6

- larynx J38.7

- lethal midline (facial) M31.2

- liver NEC — see also Granuloma, hepatic K75.3

- lung — see also Fibrosis, lung (infectious) J84.1

- - coccidioidal B38.1† J99.8*

- - eosinophilic C96.6

- Majocchi's B35.8

- malignant (facial(e)) M31.2

- mandible (central) K10.1

- midline (lethal) M31.2

- monilial (cutaneous) B37.2

- operation wound T81.8

- - foreign body T81.5

- - stitch T81.8

- - talc T81.6

- oral mucosa K13.4

- orbit, orbital H05.1

- paracoccidioidal B41.8

- periapical K04.5

- peritoneum K66.8

- - due to ova of helminths NEC — see also Helminthiasis B83.9† K67.8*

- postmastoidectomy cavity H95.0

- prostate N42.8

- pudendi (ulcerating) A58

- pulp, internal (tooth) K03.3

- pyogenic, pyogenicum (of) (skin) L98.0

- - gingiva K06.8

- - maxillary alveolar ridge K04.5

- - oral mucosa K13.4

- rectum K62.8

- reticulohistiocytic D76.3

- rubrum nasi L74.8

- septic (skin) L98.0

- silica (skin) L92.3

- sinus — see also Sinusitis (accessory) (infective) (nasal) J32.9

- spine

- - syphilitic (epidural) A52.1† G07*

- - tuberculous A18.0† M49.0*

- stitch (postoperative) T81.8

- suppurative (skin) L98.0

- swimming pool A31.1

- talc M60.2

- - in operation wound T81.6

- telangiectaticum (skin) L98.0

- trichophyticum B35.8

- umbilicus L92.8

- - newborn P38

- urethra N36.8

- venereum A58

- vocal cord J38.3

Granulomatosis L92.9

- lymphoid C83.8

- lymphomatoid C83.8

- miliary (listerial) A32.8

- necrotizing, respiratory M31.3

- progressive septic D71

- specified NEC L92.8

- Wegener's M31.3

Granulomatous tissue (abnormal) (excessive) L92.9

Granulosis rubra nasi L74.8

Graphite fibrosis (of lung) J63.3

Graphospasm F48.8

- organic G25.8

Grating scapula M89.8

Gravel — see also Calculus (urinary) N20.9

Graves' disease E05.0

Gravis — see condition

Grawitz tumor C64

Gray syndrome (newborn) P93

Grayness, hair (premature) L67.1

- congenital Q84.2

Green sickness D50.8

Greenfield's disease

- meaning

- - concentric sclerosis (encephalitis periaxialis concentrica) G37.5

- - metachromatic leukodystrophy E75.2

Greenstick fracture code as Fracture, by site

Grey syndrome (newborn) P93

Griesinger's disease B76.9

Grinder's lung or pneumoconiosis J62.8

Grinding, teeth F45.8


- Dabney's B33.0

- devil's B33.0

Grippe, grippal — see also Influenza

- Balkan A78

- summer, of Italy A93.1

Groin — see condition

Grover's disease or syndrome L11.1

Growing pains, children R29.8

Growth — see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior (fungoid) (neoplastic) (new)

- adenoid (vegetative) J35.8

- benign — see Neoplasm, benign

- malignant — see Neoplasm, malignant

- rapid, childhood Z00.2

- secondary — see Neoplasm, secondary

Gruby's disease B35.0

Gubler-Millard paralysis or syndrome I67.9† G46.3*

Guerin-Stern syndrome Q74.3

Guillain-Barr disease or syndrome G61.0

Guinea worm (infection) (infestation) B72

Gull's disease E03.4

Gum — see condition

Gumboil K04.7

- with sinus K04.6

Gumma (syphilitic) A52.7

- artery A52.0† I79.8*

- - cerebral A52.0† I68.8*

- bone A52.7† M90.2*

- - of yaws (late) A66.6† M90.2*

- brain A52.1† G07*

- cauda equina A52.1† G07*

- central nervous system A52.3

- ciliary body A52.7† H22.8*

- congenital A50.5

- eyelid A52.7† H03.1*

- heart A52.0† I52.0*

- intracranial A52.1† G07*

- iris A52.7† H22.8*

- kidney A52.7† N29.0*

- larynx A52.7† J99.8*

- leptomeninges A52.1† G07*

- liver A52.7† K77.0*

- meninges A52.1† G07*

- myocardium A52.0† I41.0*

- nasopharynx A52.7† J99.8*

- neurosyphilitic A52.3

- nose A52.7† J99.8*

- orbit A52.7† H06.3*

- palate (soft) A52.7† K93.8*

- penis A52.7† N51.8*

- pericardium A52.0† I32.0*

- pharynx A52.7† J99.8*

- pituitary A52.7† E35.8*

- scrofulous (tuberculous) A18.4

- skin A52.7† L99.8*

- specified site NEC A52.7

- spinal cord A52.1† G07*

- tongue A52.7† K93.8*

- tonsil A52.7† J99.8*

- trachea A52.7† J99.8*

- tuberculous A18.4

- ulcerative due to yaws A66.4

- ureter A52.7† N29.1*

- yaws A66.4

- - bone A66.6† M90.2*

Gunn's syndrome Q07.8

Gunshot wound — see also Wound, open

- fracture code as Fracture, by site

- internal organs — see Injury, by site

Gynandrism Q56.0


- specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior

- unspecified site

- - female D39.1

- - male D40.1

Gynecological examination (periodic) (routine) Z01.4

Gynecomastia N62

Gynephobia F40.1

Gyrate scalp Q82.8