Google tag: Kamus ICD-10 2225097

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Akses : 1,783,946 | ICD-10 : 2,109 | Mobile Visit - PC Visit

Daftar ICD-10

Kode/Kasus Diagnosa Aksi Qr
D10.37 Benign neoplasm of mouth, retromolar area (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
D10.38 Benign neoplasm of mouth, tuberosity benign (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
D10.39 Benign neoplasm of mouth, unspecified (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
D16.50 Benign neoplasm of mandible, bone and cartilage (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
D16.51 Benign neoplasm of mandible, odontogenic tissue (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
D16.59 Benign neoplasm of mandible, unspecified (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
D18.04 Haemangioma, ear, nose, mouth and throat (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
H61.4 Hematoma or seroma of external ear (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
