Google tag: Kamus ICD-10 2225097

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Akses : 1,784,138 | ICD-10 : 2,109 | Mobile Visit - PC Visit

Daftar ICD-10

Kode/Kasus Diagnosa Aksi Qr
K01.16 Maxillary molar (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
K01.17 Mandibular molar (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
K01.18 Supernumerary tooth (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
K01.19 Impacted tooth, unspecified (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
K03.00 Occlusal (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
K03.01 Approximal (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
K03.08 Other specified attrition of teeth (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
K03.09 Attrition of teeth, unspecified (IM) riwayat Dtl Qr
