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321 kode icd 10 shoulder dextra The ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision) code for a condition affecting the right shoulder (shoulder d Lanjut Baca Fajar
322 kode icd 10 Tic Fascialis The ICD-10 code for facial tics would be F95.1, which stands for "Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder." Facial tics fall under the Lanjut Baca Fajar
323 Kode icd 10 Emulsified silicon oil on anterior segment The International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) is a coding system used to classify and code all diagnoses, Lanjut Baca Fajar
324 KODE ICD 10 HAMIL DENGAN LUPUS ICD-10, atau International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, adalah sistem yang digunakan oleh profesional kesehatan untu Lanjut Baca Billah
325 KODE ICD 10 DIARE AKUT DEHIDRASI SEDANG Kode ICD-10 untuk diare akut dengan dehidrasi sedang adalah A09.0, yang merupakan kode untuk "Gastroenteritis and colitis of infec Lanjut Baca Billah
326 Kode icd 10 OA SHOULDER The ICD-10 code for osteoarthritis of the shoulder is M19.019 for unspecified shoulder, unspecified whether it's the right or left Lanjut Baca Fajar
327 Deskripsi Kode Tindakan ICD-9 11.39 ICD-9, atau International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, adalah sistem klasifikasi yang digunakan untuk mengkategorik Lanjut Baca Wahyu
328 kode icd 10 Avulsi Fr lateral Condyle femur The ICD-10 code for avulsion fracture of the lateral condyle of the femur is not specific, as ICD-10 does not have a unique code f Lanjut Baca Fajar
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