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57 ICD 10 multipel vulnus exoriatum? The term "multipel vulnus exoriatum" is not a standard term in the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision Lanjut Baca Yola_Yuliska
58 ICD 10 Anemia sedang? ICD-10, atau International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, adalah sistem yang digunakan oleh profesional kesehatan untu Lanjut Baca Yola_Yuliska
59 ICD 10 dyspnea? ICD-10, which stands for International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, is a coding system used by healthcare profession Lanjut Baca Yola_Yuliska
60 ICD 10 bronkopnrumonia? The term "bronkopneumonia" is likely a misspelling or variation of "bronchopneumonia," which refers to a type of pneumonia that af Lanjut Baca Yola_Yuliska
61 ICD 10 susp TB paru? ICD-10, which stands for International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, is a coding system used worldwide to classify di Lanjut Baca Yola_Yuliska
62 aturan cara mengkoding perinatal Istilah "perinatal" biasanya berkaitan dengan periode sekitar kelahiran, yang mencakup beberapa minggu sebelum dan sesudah kelahir Lanjut Baca Uyy
63 kode ICD 10 combustio ICD-10, which stands for International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, is a coding system used by healthcare profession Lanjut Baca Bang Bill
64 kode icd external cause jatuh lalu tertimpa sepeda motor. Kode ICD (International Classification of Diseases) untuk kejadian eksternal seperti jatuh dan kemudian tertimpa oleh sepeda motor Lanjut Baca Mohamad
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